Attention to detail

Our crew: All Queeny employees have many years of experience in tourism. We welcome you lovingly and professionally on the Nile.
Consisting of our boat manager, who takes care of the well-being of both the guests and the crew and who speaks fluent English, the two captains of “Queeny” and “Abu al’Qumsan”, the supervisor / assistant to the captains, who is in each function, our two chefs and their assistant, our two service employees, the housekeeping team, a machine mechanic and three sailors.
Ursula Nemeth
Mother Queeny
Katharina Nemeth
Mohamed Youssef
Our Crew: Management
Salah Ishmael
Boat manager, 57 years old
From Luxor. Studied English Literature at Minya University. Part-time job as a waiter. After graduating, he did an internship at a Sheraton hotel in the food and beverage department, where he gained an insight into working in the kitchen, bar and restaurant. Various jobs as head waiter, travel agent and manager at a Nile cruise operator.
Azap Ahmed
Supervisor on the Queeny and assistant to the captain, 49 years
Lives in Luxor, married with three children, cousin of Mohamed. A passionate sailor since he was 16, first on a felucca, then captain on Mohamed’s sandal. He shared Mohamed’s dream of having his own big Dahabeya.
Our Crew: Captains and Mechanics
Abdel Gilil, 58
Captain (Queeny Of The Nile)
Ibrahim Hassan
Captain (Abu el Qumsan motor boat), born in 1982
Mohammed Ahmed
Mechanical engineer, 34 years old
Lives in Minya, married and two children. Many years of experience with ship engines.
Our Crew: Cooks
Qenawy Muhammad
Our chef, 46 years old
Lives in Luxor, married with four children. Has worked as a chef in other dahabeyas. We are very grateful that he now takes care of the physical well-being of our guests. A calm, always smiling man who is not easily disturbed by anything.
Mohamed Abdulla
Our head chef for sweet dishes, born in 1973
Our chick with the big smile.
Our Crew: Bar and Drinks
Mohammed Ali
Bar helper assistant, born in 1996
Lives in Luxor, single Before entering military service for two years, he worked in a hotel in Hurghada in housekeeping, as a waiter and as a lifeguard. We grabbed him as soon as he got back from the military and we haven’t regretted it a day. He is always working with a sweet smile on his face. Mohamed Ali is Bido’s older brother.
Our Crew: Housekeeping
Cleaning team
Bio TBA.
Our Crew: Deckhands
Mahmoud Ali (Bido)
Sailor, born 1997
Lives in Luxor, single, Previously worked as a mechanic on a motor boat and is now helping us on the Queeny of the Nile. He is the youngest son of Mohamed’s eldest brother Ali.
Mahmoud Daragab (Jamaica)
Bio TBA.
Bio TBA.